Plogging Event on World Environment Day 2022

On the occasion of World Environment Day on 5th June, 2022, the Eco-conscious members of Nagpur Book Club participated in a Plogging event organized by India Peace Centre.

Plogging is a combination of jogging with picking up litter (merging the Swedish verbs plocka upp (pick up) and jogga (jog) gives the new Swedish verb plogga, from which the word plogging derives)

Plogging Event by Nagpur Book Club - 5th June World Enviornment Day 2022

The event was the grand success, with over 50 participants, who joined us early morning, and cleaned a route of 2 kms in Civil Lines, Nagpur, of all trash and litter. We were also able to inspire morning walkers to join in, and spread the good word about generating lesser trash, and making sure we do not litter our streets.

For this plogging event, India Peace Centre and Nagpur Book Club were supported by Saving Dreamz Foundation who provided Garbage bags and Gloves for the activity. Drinking Water, Sweet Beverages and Candies were arranged by Nagpur Book Club, to make sure the Ploggers stayed hydrated in the hot Nagpur summer.

You can see more fun pictures of the event on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

To take part in more such fun and social initiatives, join Nagpur Book Club, and help make a difference to society.